Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 is here

Happy New Year!

It's that time again - we have to make resolutions for self improvement. We probably won't stick to them, but at least we show some good intentions.

My resolutions for this year:

1. Be more generous with others
2. Exercise more
3. Stop eating crap all the time

Honestly, 2 and 3 will be the hardest for me. I love fast food and I hate running. But, I want to be healthier in my life - I'm sure my cholosterol is high and my arteries are full of fat, and that's not a good thing. Time to change.

Two years ago I wanted to start training to run a half-marathon. Looking back, that was probably a bit unrealistic. This year, my only goal is to exercise regularly. If I can go out for a jog a couple of times a week, even if it's only for 30 minutes each time, that'll be a good start. I like playing squash as well, so I hope to do that a bit more often.

Everyone makes resolutions that sound like good ideas at the time. Usually they want to lose weight, stop smoking, etc. We always struggle to stick to them because life has so many temptations. This year, I will do everything in my power to stick to mine.

Then again, I might only have to stick to my resolutions until the 21st December 2012, when the world will apparently end. That would be just my luck - I'll be fit and healthy in time to die with everyone else...

I'm pretty sure it's a load of nonsense anyway - something that is very well put in this cartoon:

We will all still be here in January 2013, probably making the same resolutions we made this year, and wondering when the next doomsday theory will surface.

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