Friday, November 18, 2011

Letter to Joe Public

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to find your way to my blog. If you are reading this then you have either clicked on a link that I have probably posted myself on Facebook, Twitter or a message board somewhere in the great big wilderness that is the Internet.

Random photo of me holding a fish
Firstly, let me introduce myself. My name is Paul Reed-Peck, I'm in my late twenties and I live in Switzerland. Nothing remarkable to add really, apart from the fact that I am married with one daughter and no pets, and I moved to Switzerland to be with my new wife leaving all my family and friends behind in England and attempting to start a new life. Oh yes, I also met my wife whilst backpacking around Australia and proposed to her in Thailand before finally getting married in Switzerland. So, like I said, nothing remarkable.

I am the author of three blogs, including this one. "Why do you need three blogs?", I hear you ask. Well, the truth is I don't need three blogs. No one does. It would be far more sensible - and easier - to have one single blog to concentrate on as an outlet to the world. That would be far too easy though, so I decided to complicate things a bit and give myself more of a challenge.

This blog is designed to be a place for me to share my thoughts and feelings with the world, as well as giving my two cents on any topical news items that either inspire, bore or irk me. Like Kim Kardashian, for example - why is she famous? Why do I see her picture in every single trashy celeb gossip magazine? (note that these magazines belong to my wife, I just leaf through them to pass the time whilst on the toilet)

Anyway, I digress. From this day forth a new blog is born. A simple, honest means for me to share my pointless musings with anyone who is unfortunate enough to stumble upon it, such as you, dear reader.

Thank you once again for your attention. You may now return to your daily life.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Reed-Peck
AKA Ernie McPeck

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